Wednesday 22 August 2012

Tarte de Framboesas aka Raspberry Pi

Last delivery brought Raspberry Pi and a PIC16F887 Dip.
For those willing to use a translator on their browser, heres a portuguese blog on the RP board !! 

Also make sure you check wiringPi language, for the Raspberry Pi.
Its mentor says
"You may be familiar with the Arduino system… Briefly; Arduino is really two things; one is a hardware platform, the other software, and part of the software is a package called Wiring. Wiring is the core of the input and output for the Arduino, so I thought it would be good to replicate that functionality (or a good usable subset) on the Raspberry Pi.
WiringPi is a Wiring library written in C and should be usable from C++ and many other languages with suitable wrappers ." ( Link )

From the General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) connector we can get :
- 8 general purpose digital I/O pins ( which can be programmed as either digital outputs or inputs).
- One pin (Pin1) can be designated for PWM output .
- 2-wire I2C interface &
- 4-wire SPI interface (with a 2nd select line, 5 pins in total) 
- Serial UART ( further 2 pins )

* I2C and SPI interfaces can also be used a general purpose I/O pins when not being used in their bus modes, and the UART pins can also be used if you reboot with the serial console disabled, giving a grand total of 8 + 2 + 5 + 2 = 17 I/O pins.

Additional functions

- shiftIn/shiftOut library
- Serial port handling (both on-board and USB)
- LCD library
- Simplified threaded programming and process priority control

Project code

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