Friday, 8 November 2013

R/C Low Pass filter (passive) cheat sheet

Cutt Off freq= 1 / ( π R C )

C =  33 nF; R = 220 R (Ohms); Cut-off freq.= 21.92 KHz
C = 150 nF; R = 100 R (Ohms); Cut-off freq.= 10.61 KHz
C = 150 nF; R =    1 K (Ohms);  Cutoff freq  = 1.06 KHz
C =  2.2 uF; R = 100 R (Ohms); Cut-off freq.= 723.43 Hz
C =   10 uF; R = 100 R (Ohms); Cut-off freq.= 159.15 Hz
C =   22 uF; R =   68 R (Ohms); Cut-off freq.=  106.39 Hz

* I tried to use some of the most common values for the Resistors and Capacitors; keep in mind this drops at +- 20 dB per octave   ( 2 f ).

C =  220 nF; R =    1 K (Ohms); Cut-off freq.=723.43

Graphs and simulations done with Falstad online sim

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this information with everyone. I was looking for a low pass filter a few months ago and looked in several places. However, the price was so high at a few nearby locations so I have decided to look for the best website for a low pass filter on the internet. I came to know about the Anatech Electronics website while doing some online research. I received all of my essential low pass filters, as well as got the required custom low pass filter. They delivered the highest quality products on time, just as they promised. If you require any low pass filters, you may also contact them.


Feel free to contact me with any suggestions, doubts or requests.
