Monday, 28 October 2013

Arduino Decimal to Roman numerals converter- The code for Olimex WPC #30

Ok, here is the story :
Friday i saw the "Olimex WPC #30 Problem" just posted and decide to participate...MORE: I was going to try to be the first one to apply a working project, regardless of the "cost".
So i rushed, cheated, took no notice of programming "rules", and VOILA !
Also, as i rarely(?!) see an "Arduino Language" entry ( if you can call it that) , i decided it was what id be applying with ( and because i had nothing else more to code with, at the time :) ).
Added my good mood to the vibes, and this is what came out !
Will only work up to 9999 numbers... If you do a calendar with it, they will probably think it is the end of the world in the year 9999, due to my laziness !!
It was the fastest, laziest way i could find at the time !
* Dont take this code too serious...

**See the results here !

// Enjoy the random names for variables and function at moments. 
// and learn how to write down the year that Olimex was founded in Roman numerals
// For completion, i give you the foundation of their fraction system: A twelfth !
// DISCLAIMER : Any similarities with attempt at comedy is pure coincidence !
//        CHANGE THIS to test other numbers ( up tp 9999
//         | | | | |    
//         V V V V V
char plaintext[]="1991"; // Why a char[] array? More user friendly with both c and c++
// and because i can !! :)

int tocipher[sizeof(plaintext)];
int ciphered[sizeof(tocipher)];

boolean stringComplete = false;  // whether the string is complete
boolean done = false; // no relationship between the name and function ! ;)

void setup() {
  // DO NOT put your code here to run once ?!?!
  Serial.println("Roman Numeral History Lesson with Olimex Pt.1");

void loop() 
    if(stringComplete == true)  // How long is a piece of string ?!
      Serial.println("string complete");
    if(stringComplete == false){
      Serial.println("string NOT complete");
      // put your debug code here, to find out where you was going wrong: 
      uint8_t sizeofarray = sizeof(plaintext);
      uint8_t i;
        uint16_t retrieved;

          Serial.println(" characters in the string processed.END OF STRING "); // Thats how long a string is :)
          Serial.println("null CHARACTER");
          stringComplete = true; 
          // The use of goto's is highly frowned upon...
          // ...but can be quite handy as well !
          goto bailout; 
bailout: // " Bloody bankers taken all !"
      delay(1); // As the tradition says:" Rome and Pavia weren't made in one day!
      // Allowing time for Nero to play with fire !

int leap(int in,int il){
// tocipher[il]=in; would have been enough
  switch (in) {
  case '0':  
    Serial.println("tocipher- 0 ");
  case '1':
    Serial.println("tocipher- 1 ");
  case '2': 
    Serial.println("tocipher- 2 ");
  case '3': 
    Serial.println("tocipher- 3 ");
  case '4':
    Serial.println("tocipher- 4 ");
  case '5': 
    Serial.println("tocipher- 5 ");
  case '6':
    Serial.println("tocipher- 6 ");
  case '7':
    Serial.println("tocipher- 7 "); 
  case '8':
    Serial.println("tocipher- 8 ");
  case '9': 
    Serial.println("tocipher- 9 ");

void calculate(){
  uint16_t sizeofarray = sizeof(tocipher);
  int i;
    int retrieved;

int bigjump(int coming, int il){

  switch (il) { 
  case 0:
    int k;
    Serial.print("Year Olimex was founded in Roman numerals- ");

  case 1:
    if (coming==8){
    if (coming==7){
    if (coming==6){
    if (coming==5){
    if (coming==4){
    if (coming==3){
    if (coming==2){
    if (coming==1){

  case 2:
    else if (coming==8){
    else if (coming==7){
    else if (coming==6){
    else if (coming==5){
    else if (coming==4){
    else if (coming==3){
    else if (coming==2){
    else if (coming==1){

  case 3:
    else if (coming==8){
    else if (coming==7){
    else if (coming==6){
    else if (coming==5){
    else if (coming==4){
    else if (coming==3){
    else if (coming==2){
    else if (coming==1){

  case 4:


void fractions(){
  // Any similarites with attempt at comedy is pure coincidence !
  uint16_t sizeofarray = sizeof(tocipher);
  int i;
    int retrieved;
    int accum;
    int result=0;
    switch (i) {
    case 0:  
      Serial.print("result thou ");
    case 1:
      Serial.print("result with hundr");
    case 2: 
      Serial.print("result with decim ");
    case 3: 
      Serial.print("total result ");

    case 4:
      Serial.print("Proverbial 1/12 (twelfth) Roman fracction ");


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